About the Company

We Have 20 Years Of Experience

  • Welcome to 3 Delta Window Films, your trusted source for security window film solutions in Broken Arrow and Tulsa, Oklahoma, and beyond. With over 20 years of experience in the security industry, our team brings unparalleled expertise to every project. We specialize in Riot Glass, Safety Films, and Solar Control Films to defend, delay, and deter potential threats. Our goal is to create a safe and secure environment for your home or business. With over 32 completed projects, customer satisfaction is our priority. Contact us today to learn more about our services and enhance the security of your property.
What we do

Services for You

Tank Cleaning

  • Tank Cleaning
  • Waste Disposal
  • Spill Response
  • Tanker Rollovers

Deep Cleaning

  • Tank Cleaning
  • Waste Disposal
  • Spill Response
  • Tanker Rollovers
  • Emergency Response

Tank Cleaning

  • Tank Cleaning
  • Waste Disposal
  • Spill Response
  • Emergency Response


Customer Satisfaction


Projects Completed


Happy Smiles


Successfull Order
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Frequently Asked Questions

Window film can cut utility costs by 30% to 40%, and at $6 to $14 per square foot, it's much cheaper than replacing windows. Solar films block 99% of UV light that fades furniture, and with better technologies, now do it without looking reflective or dark.

Certain window films are made especially for Dual Pane or Low-E glass. It is True that not all types of window film are compatible with all types of glass and installing a non-compatible film can cause thermal stress damage to the glass.

Window film is a self-adhesive polyester film that is applied to glass surfaces. ... As solar radiation strikes a piece of glass, window film acts as a "sunscreen" to block harmful UV rays as well as regulate the levels of heat and light passing through the glass.

Riot Glass is a patented framing and clear ArmorPlast shield system made from a combination of polycarbonate and plastics that mechanically anchors to your windows and doors for maximum strength. The framing system comes in anodized clear and bronze, custom fit to your doors and storefront window system to create a protective shield that is always working. (Think: Permanent, clear boarding up.) The panels are scratch-coated, solar UV treated, and extremely durable.

what’s going on

Locations of Operation

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Meet Our Team

Our Team

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Barbara Smith

Painting Director

Robert Pineda

Project Manager

Jenna Sue

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    Call Us +918-378-7876

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    June 27, 2024

    Enhancing Security and Efficiency with 3 Delta Window Films

    Unmatched Security and Efficiency Solutions in Broken Arrow, Tulsa, and Beyond In today’s world, ensuring the security and efficiency of your home or business is paramount. At 3 Delta...

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